

Name'n and Shame'n Where the Credit is Due: Setting the Record Straight on (Non)Voting in SC 34

"...I observed that this further confirmed the assumptions of those (myself included) that those National Bodies that had upgraded did so solely for the purpose of voting "Yes" for OOXML, as earlier demonstrated by the fact that of the 11 upgrades had in fact done exactly that. What I had not anticipated was that a key standards committee would now be suffering serious collateral damage when these new members have shown no willingness to vote – even to the extend of simply casting an "abstention," which would suffice to meet the requisite 50% participation among P Members for a vote to pass."

Upgrades that voted to adopt OOXML and didn't vote later: 7
(Côte d’Ivoire, Cyprus, Lebanon, Malta, Pakistan, Turkey, Venezuela)

Upgrades that abstained on OOXML and didn't vote later: 1
(Trinidad and Tobago)

Upgrades that voted against OOXML and didn't vote later: 0 "

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