

Sponsor the education of a Tibetan child in Pemako

"We are a UK registered Tibetan Buddhist charity - no. 1019886. £100/$200 will sponsor the food, clothing and education of a Tibetan child for one year in remote Himachal Pradesh in the far North Eastern India. Pemako is about 3 days walk from the nearest road, and the local children have two options - the boys tend to join the army, and the girls tend to stay home and look after their younger brothers and sisters. The chances for any kind of education are remote. We are proud to be the UK sponsors of the Pemako Project, and in particular the Lhundrup Thobgye Ling school. This school provides both a modern and traditional education to the local children, combining vital skills like maths, languages and so on, in a traditional Tibetan Buddhist context. "

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