


" allows you to send emails to anyone you wish, with the ability to have them sent at any future date and time you choose.

A feature missing from every email service is the ability to schedule when an email gets sent - you must click the "send" button at the exact moment of delivery.

With this service, you can write emails with your existing email address, and they will get sent at the exact date, or dates that you specify - down to the minute. "

"You can use LetterMeLater without even having to visit this website!
Here are the steps:

1. Create an email that you would like to be delivered at a later date (or dates) like you normally would. It can even be reply or a forward.
2. Address the email to
3. Put the recipients, and time to send at the top of the message. (This text will be removed from the email)
Here is what you need to include:

to: recipient(s)
cc: recipient(s)
bcc: recipient(s)
when: date(s) to send - semicolon delimited for recurring emails
options: any of these options: reminder, hidden, html

*(only to: and when: are required)

You will immediately receive a response, indicating whether is was done successfully or not. If it was, you will be able to see the email in your LetterMeLater account."

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