

Photos of Tibet in the early 1940's

These photos were taken in Tibet by members of the Tolstoy expedition of 1942-43. Two U.S. Army officers, Lt. Col. Ilya Tolstoy and Capt. Brooke Dolan were sent to Tibet from India to explore the possibility of getting military supplies to Chiang Kai-shek's Republican Chinese government, via Tibet. [...] A number of [... these photographs] were featured in a book by Rosemary Jones Tung, A Portrait of Lost Tibet: Photographs by Ilya Tolstoy and Brook Dolan (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980), a few were reproduced in Tibet: The Sacred Realm: Photographs 1880 - 1950 (Aperture Books, 1983), in a National Geographic [August, 1946 - ed.] magazine article and a few other places here and there. Many of them are still unidentified. [... Alltogether there ... ] are some [230] amazingly beautiful photographs [... that have been scanned] so far. Some have considerable historical interest, particularly in the light of the transformation of Tibet over the past 50 years.

See also

A 1999 web site by Dr Rob Linrothe, Associate Professor and Director
of Art History at Skidmore College. In addition to the Tibet
Photographs site of he also published the following web pages: *
Karsha's Chuchikjyal Temple, Zangskar, 1996
* Tibetan Art at Skidmore, 1998
* Monks and monasteries in Amdo, 1998
* Petroglyphs near Karsha, in Zangskar, 1998
* QuickTime video of Ladakh and Mangyu chorten, 1994.

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