

Ngakpa, Ngakmo

"But it is also a myth that someone immersed in everyday life (married for example, or having a family), cannot achieve enlightenment or liberation and will thus remain a 'lay' person forever.
So the white robed Ngakpa with their traditionally long hair are just as valid and real Tantric practitioners as are their maroon robed monastic counterparts; they simply are different types of people and they actually form a second and often overlooked branch of the Buddhist Tantric community (Skt., sangha). This is clearly reflected in the Tibetan term dge bdun gyi sde (divisions of the sangha), which refers to the following two types of practitioners:

* those with shaved heads, bare feet and maroon robes form the Vinaya division (Tib., bdul ba'i sde)
* those with long, usually braided hair and white robes form the Mantra division (Tib., sngags kyi sde)"

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