

A Visual Guide to Version Control

"You’ve probably cooked up your own version control system without realizing it had such a geeky name. Got any files like this? (Not these exact ones I hope).

* KalidAzadResumeOct2006.doc
* KalidAzadResumeMar2007.doc
* instacalc-logo3.png
* instacalc-logo4.png
* logo-old.png

It’s why we use “Save As”. You want the new file without obliterating the old one. It’s a common problem, and solutions are usually like this:

* Make a single backup copy (Document.old.txt).
* If we’re clever, we add a version number or date: Document_V1.txt, DocumentMarch2007.txt
* We may even use a shared folder so other people can see and edit files without sending them over email. Hopefully they relabel the file after they save it."

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