

Background to Wales and the Celts

"Caesar in particular gave a very one-sided view of the Celts which was accepted unquestionably for many years. Modern scholarship now disputes this one sided view and paints a much more balanced picture.

Theirs was a culture with a history and legacy at least the equal of the Greeks and the Romans. It was their ancestors in Galatia who received a letter from the Apostle Paul, their mercenaries (as body-guards) who guarded Cleopatra, and they were the ones who attacked Rome in 390 BC and Delphi in 278 BC and even fought at Thermopylae.

The names of the cities of London, Paris, Vienna and Gallipoli are Celtic in origin. And it was not only the Romans who built roads, for since the early Iron Age the Celts had had a network of paved and semi-paved roads good enough to transport their famous chariots."

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