

Economists Appraise Bhutan's Happiness Model

"When considering economic development, policymakers here take into account respect for all living things, nature, community participation and the need for balance between work, sleep and reflection or meditation.

"Happiness is very serious business," Bhutan Prime Minister Jigme Thinley said. "The dogma of limitless productivity and growth in a finite world is unsustainable and unfair for future generations."",7485,0,0,1,0

"Gross National Happiness is an approach to development unique to Bhutan. While conventional development stresses economic growth as the ultimate objective, GNH is based on the premise that true development takes place only when material and spiritual development occur side by side. For GNH to grow, government must concentrate on four key areas:
  • Promotion of equitable and sustainable socio-economic development.
  • Preservation and promotion of cultural values.
  • Conservation of the environment.
  • Good government."

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