

Kintner's footage of Nepal, 1957 CE

"The home movies of Watson Kintner (1890–1979), shot on 16mm film over several decades, were archived at the University of Pennsylvania Museum, and have now made their way to Kintner's engineering-related globetrotting brought him to Nepal just a few years after its doors opened to the outside world. It was a place which had barely changed since Lévi, Sāṅkṛtyāyana and Tucci first set foot there earlier in the 20th century (Tucci continued to visit throughout the 1950s); and which even then was much as Hodgson, Oldfield and Bendall had known it. When these films were taken, Nepal was still relatively isolated, and had only recently begun to build an electricity and telecommunications infrastructure. David Snellgrove — who also shot movies during his visit (archived at the Institute for Buddhist Studies, Tring) — wrote in his book, published in the same year, that key trade routes in Nepal would "never" be resurfaced as "motorable roads". (A few years later, they were.)"

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