

Linux : Tips and tricks for working on the command line

"Anyone that has been reading these tips for any length of time knows that I am a command-line guy. It’s faster, more efficient, and more powerful. Sure, a nice GUI is great to look at, but to really get things done, give me the CLI any day. ..."

"Renaming files is one thing that a good GUI file manager appears to have over the CLI. Usually clicking on a file name will give you the opportunity to edit the name in order to rename it, which is great for files with long names. This can be done easily in a shell too, either by using tab expansion or with this little trick:

$ mv thisisareallylongfilename{,.txt}
This will move the file “thisisareallylongfilename” to “thisisareallylongfilename.txt” without having to type it twice."

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