

Rumney Rec. Campaigners Make High Court Bid

"Campaigners who have spent years battling plans to build a school on community parkland yesterday took their fight to the High Court.

The latest bid to stop Cardiff council building a 1,500-capacity school on part of Rumney Recreation Ground saw members of the RREEL action group formally apply for a judicial review into the authority’s decision not award the land village green status."

"It's important to protect the green spaces of our city. In every part of the city including the east – including things like building a school on our open space."

"“We are not talking about losing a field or two, we are looking at the wholesale destruction of the green lungs around the city, acres and acres. If Labour gets its way, we will have an urban sprawl from Newport through to Caerphilly and Barry.”"


"“For Neil McEvoy to attack Labour on this issue is astonishing. Quite frankly he should be ashamed of Plaid’s own record in office of protecting green spaces. To make these comments while ploughing ahead with plans to build on Rumney Rec shows the depths of his hypocrisy in pursuit of his own gains.”"

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