

10 tips for crafting a blog sidebar that is functional, clean, and effective

"Each time a blogger applies to become a Novel Publicity blog tour host, I break out my handy evaluation worksheet and go to work assessing this new blog. I look for what the blogger is doing right, what she’s doing wrong, and what she could be doing differently. The purpose of this evaluation is to help the blogger achieve 100 hits per day (on new post days), so that she can host our authors on her blog, which means free books, introductions to emerging authors, and the chance to win prizes."

1. Only include content that is relevant to your blog
2. Put the most important content at the top
3. Don’t clutter your blog by including redundant content
4. Use a simple drop-down category menu rather than an archive
5. Make sure the widgets fit in the designated sidebar space
6. Make sure to include links to subscribe to or follow your blog
7. Include a visible link to your RSS feed
8. Include buttons to follow you on Twitter and like you on Facebook
9. Include a copyright
10. If you include a blog roll, keep it minimal

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