

Easy local and remote backup of your home network

"I hate making backups by hand. It costs a lot of time and usually I have far better things to do. Long ago (in the Windows 98 era) I made backups to CD only before I needed to reïnstall the OS, which was about once every 18 months, and my code projects maybe twice as often. A lot has changed since those dark times though. My single PC expanded into a network with multiple desktops and a server, I installed a mix of Debian an Ubuntu and ditched Windows, and I have a nice broadband link - just as my friends do. Finally a lazy git like me can set up a decent backup system that takes care of itself, leaving me time to do the "better" things (such as writing about it :-)

There are already quite a few tutorials on the internet explaining various ways to backup your Linux system using built-in commands and a script of some sorts, but I could not find one that suited me so I decided to write another one - one that takes care of backing up my entire network."

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