

A More Sustainable University

"Cardiff University pursues the principles of sustainable development both in its engagement with external stakeholders and in the management of its internal operations.  The University also seeks to bring about positive change through a world-leading programme of research, learning and teaching, which addresses a wide range of sustainability issues"

  1. Staff are asked to turn their lights, computer and other electrical accessories off at the end of the day or when away for long periods, and switch off at the power switch.
  2. Use a mug instead of disposable cups for drinks.
  3. Recycle.
  4. Don’t print documents unless you really have to. Print on both sides where you can. Share essential documents with colleagues rather than printing a copy each.
  5. Take stairs rather than the lift where you can.
  6. Use video conferencing, where possible, instead of transport.
  7. Cut down on air conditioning, where you can.
  8. Use public transport or walk rather than taking taxis to travel between campus offices and lecture theatres.
  9. Don’t bring in portable heaters. Staff are asked to raise heating problems in their office with the Estates division. When it's cold outside, consider wearing appropriate clothing.

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