

Ngakpa Update

"Ngakpa Update presents notes and news on the non-monastic ordained Tantric sangha: the gos dKar lCang lo’i sDe, or “white-skirt long-hair category” in Tibetan.

We post brief summaries of current academic research on the history of the tradition, and on its current manifestations in the Himalayas and elsewhere. We include pointers to events and resources of interest to non-monastic Tantrikas. Occasionally, we also post essays analyzing the state of current understanding, and drawing out its implications.

Ngakpa Update is primarily intended for Western ngakpas and ngakmas, and for those potentially interested in taking ordination in this lineage. We find current academic research relevant to Western Tantric practice. We hope to make that research more available to practitioners, and perhaps to serve as a bridge between the academic and practice communities."

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